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《Sport Management Review》2019,22(4):502-512
The physical environment of sport facilities, referred to as the sportscape, has a substantial influence on the extent to which sport fans attend sporting events and revisit the facilities. Accordingly, professional franchises make efforts to construct new stadiums with different sportscape elements, which serve as important factors that determine spectators’ levels of attendance satisfaction. With a sample of South Korean baseball fans, the authors examine which sportscape components of professional ballparks are considered most important by spectators, as well as how baseball attendees indicate their willingness to pay for particular sportscape attributes. Based on a discrete choice experimental approach, results indicate that spectators place the greatest importance on fast access to ballparks largely dependent upon the location. Results also suggest that respondents are willing to pay KR₩4102 for one more subway line. Different strategies for developing successful sportscape components are discussed.  相似文献   
This study analyzes gains in cognitive components of learning competence with respect to cohorts based on ability tracking in a Czech longitudinal study. Propensity score matching is used to form parallelized samples of academic and non-academic track students and to eliminate the effect of selective school intake. We applied regression models on the total scores to test for the overall track effect. Furthermore, we analyze scores and gains on the subscores and check for differential item functioning in Grade 6 and in change to Grade 9. While after 3 years, no significant difference between the two tracks was apparent in the total learning competence score, we did, however, find significant differences in some subscores and in the functioning of some items. We argue that item-level analysis is important for deeper understanding of the tracking implications and may provide the basis for more precise evidence-based decisions regarding the tracking policy.  相似文献   
Emerging fathers experience a variety of stressors, including identity and role transitions, changes in their relationships, and challenges in developing caregiving skills. Increasing expectations for father involvement in childcare are emphasizing the importance of the father role, but social supports for new fathers remain scarce. Nineteen expectant and new fathers participated in a pilot 5-week group intervention aimed at improving stress coping and involvement attitudes using a combination of mindfulness practices and skill-building for parenting and partner communication. We administered surveys pre- and postintervention to assess efficacy in the areas of stress, depressive symptoms, father involvement attitudes, and mindfulness. Within-participant differences were compared across participants as well as examining individual reliable change. Results indicated initial reductions in stress and depressive symptoms and increases in the mindfulness constructs of nonjudgment and nonreactivity. No significant changes were found in father involvement attitudes. Perinatal intervention specific to fathers holds promise as an underexplored avenue for supporting families across the transition to parenthood.  相似文献   
在跨文化背景下,参与西部计划的大学生志愿者具备一种类似于救世主的身份和角色,他们对此也加以认同,所以他们普遍具有一种“救世主心态”。救世主心态由于脱离了现实而造成诸多不良后果。大学生志愿者应放下救世主心态,并根据当地社会的期待做好志愿服务。  相似文献   
我国职业教育近年来异军突起,招生火,就业率高,优势逐渐显现。为了我国职业院校可持续发展、继续保持良性循环,在此提出"引企入校建深度实训基地,提升学生综合职业力"的观点,并从三个方面阐述:一是我国职业教育实训教学现状与存在的问题,二是引企入校建深度实训基地、提升学生综合职业力的特色,三是实施路径。旨在抛砖引玉,探索出符合我国职业教育实训教学发展特色和规律的途径、方法,为加快推进我国经济发展方式转变提供强有力的高素质技能型人才。  相似文献   
《学记》作为教育史上最早的专著,对教学相长、长善救失、善教善喻和藏息相辅四个教学原则进行了精辟和系统的阐述。文章对此展开了相关阐述,同时分析了以上四个原则对语文新课标的指导意义。  相似文献   
百年之后,回顾康有为他们当初在清末政坛中的政改方案和上书活动,后人无疑可以做到更冷静、更持中和更客观.鄙薄康梁的人认为:荣禄老成,项城务实.问题是老城谋国的荣禄、精明强干的袁世凯也没有支撑住大局,也没有稳住一个合法性消失的王朝和适应性不够的传统社会.<上清帝第二书>中包括设议院(武英殿)的所有的内容,无论是对洋务派官员、还是对实权派官员,都没有智力、观念上的障碍.在官场中,方案、策略的提出者必须讲究身份和资历,资历不够、派系不对的人提出的方案再高明也很难取得官场主流中人的呼应,更何谈实践.既得利益集团积重难返是清末改良搁浅问题的关键.  相似文献   
"还都猖大愿"是遗存在新化县洋溪镇官渡桥的一种汉人大型傩仪,"跳鼓坛"是保存在新宁县八峒瑶乡的一种大型瑶族傩仪。两地相距数百里,隔着崇山峻岭,均地处幽寂偏僻,但两处的傩仪有许多相似之处。这种相似,能为我们提供一些文化人类学的思考。  相似文献   
论保险代理人行为对保险人之拘束力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
保险代理人与保险人之间可能系劳动关系,亦可能系代理关系。保险代理人所知应视为保险人所知。保险代理人代投保人填写投保单的后果应由投保人承担。保险人可以书面限制保险代理人的代理权。保险人可在保险合同中约定投保人对保险人的告知均需以书面进行。  相似文献   
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